Orange Chicken

Nutrition Facts

1 cup of orange chicken contains about:


660.24 kcal


30.46 g


2.02 g


56.6 g


36.44 g


6.1 g

Orange Chicken Full Nutrients

36.44 g |

72.9 % of the Daily Value

9.05 mg |

56.5 % of the Daily Value

31.95 g |

53.3 % of the Daily Value

61.49 mcg |

51.2 % of the Daily Value

153.72 mg |

51.2 % of the Daily Value

2.52 mg |

50.4 % of the Daily Value

0.55 mg |

42.6 % of the Daily Value

0.58 mg |

34.1 % of the Daily Value

6.1 g |

30.5 % of the Daily Value

327.6 mg |

26.2 % of the Daily Value

2.85 mg |

25.9 % of the Daily Value

189.0 mcg |

21.0 % of the Daily Value

0.5 mcg |

21.0 % of the Daily Value

56.6 g |

20.6 % of the Daily Value

2.7 mg |

18.0 % of the Daily Value

665.28 IU |

13.3 % of the Daily Value

2.37 mg |

13.2 % of the Daily Value

50.4 mg |

12.0 % of the Daily Value

0.11 mg |

11.8 % of the Daily Value

526.68 mg |

11.2 % of the Daily Value

0.22 mg |

9.5 % of the Daily Value

0.11 mg |

9.0 % of the Daily Value

2.02 g |

7.2 % of the Daily Value

25.2 mcg |

6.3 % of the Daily Value

25.2 mcg |

6.3 % of the Daily Value

25.2 mcg |

6.3 % of the Daily Value

12.6 IU |

3.1 % of the Daily Value

35.28 mg |

2.7 % of the Daily Value

2.27 mg |

2.5 % of the Daily Value

43.09 mcg |

1.9 % of the Daily Value

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