Sesame Chicken
Nutrition Facts
1 cup of sesame chicken contains about:
581.47 kcal
29.04 g
1.12 g
56.63 g
23.87 g
4.62 g
Sesame Chicken Full Nutrients
9.06 mg |
56.6 % of the Daily Value
29.87 g |
49.8 % of the Daily Value
23.87 g |
47.7 % of the Daily Value
0.77 mg |
45.4 % of the Daily Value
0.23 mg |
25.2 % of the Daily Value
72.26 mg |
24.1 % of the Daily Value
4.62 g |
23.1 % of the Daily Value
1.07 mg |
21.4 % of the Daily Value
56.63 g |
20.6 % of the Daily Value
246.78 mg |
19.7 % of the Daily Value
2.94 mg |
19.6 % of the Daily Value
0.24 mg |
18.5 % of the Daily Value
50.79 mg |
12.1 % of the Daily Value
0.27 mg |
11.6 % of the Daily Value
13.36 mcg |
11.1 % of the Daily Value
0.13 mg |
10.9 % of the Daily Value
1.14 mg |
10.3 % of the Daily Value
1.84 mg |
10.2 % of the Daily Value
398.18 mg |
8.5 % of the Daily Value
82.66 mg |
6.4 % of the Daily Value
0.13 mcg |
5.6 % of the Daily Value
1.12 g |
4.0 % of the Daily Value
11.64 mcg |
2.9 % of the Daily Value
11.64 mcg |
2.9 % of the Daily Value
11.64 mcg |
2.9 % of the Daily Value
33.23 mcg |
1.4 % of the Daily Value
7.17 mcg |
0.8 % of the Daily Value
23.42 IU |
0.5 % of the Daily Value
0.29 mg |
0.3 % of the Daily Value
0.67 IU |
0.2 % of the Daily Value
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