Chop Suey

Nutrition Facts

1 cup of chop suey contains about:


167.27 kcal


7.55 g


2.54 g


9.06 g


15.73 g


1.15 g

Chop Suey Full Nutrients

46.82 mg |

52.0 % of the Daily Value

0.56 mg |

46.8 % of the Daily Value

0.61 mg |

35.6 % of the Daily Value

1739.32 IU |

34.8 % of the Daily Value

15.73 g |

31.5 % of the Daily Value

37.79 mcg |

31.5 % of the Daily Value

4.91 mg |

30.7 % of the Daily Value

0.33 mg |

25.7 % of the Daily Value

0.21 mg |

23.1 % of the Daily Value

1.09 mg |

21.8 % of the Daily Value

194.81 mg |

15.6 % of the Daily Value

1.68 mg |

15.3 % of the Daily Value

7.84 g |

13.1 % of the Daily Value

51.2 mcg |

12.8 % of the Daily Value

51.2 mcg |

12.8 % of the Daily Value

51.2 mcg |

12.8 % of the Daily Value

0.3 mcg |

12.6 % of the Daily Value

35.9 mg |

12.0 % of the Daily Value

545.35 mg |

11.6 % of the Daily Value

0.25 mg |

11.0 % of the Daily Value

1.73 mg |

9.6 % of the Daily Value

86.59 mcg |

9.6 % of the Daily Value

2.54 g |

9.1 % of the Daily Value

37.03 mg |

8.8 % of the Daily Value

0.89 mg |

5.9 % of the Daily Value

1.15 g |

5.8 % of the Daily Value

64.92 mg |

5.0 % of the Daily Value

9.06 g |

3.3 % of the Daily Value

5.99 IU |

1.5 % of the Daily Value

21.1 mcg |

0.9 % of the Daily Value

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