Beef Liver

Nutrition Facts

100 grams of beef liver contains about:


191.0 kcal


5.55 g


0 g


5.13 g


29.08 g


2.95 g

Beef Liver Full Nutrients

70.58 mcg |

2940.8 % of the Daily Value

14.28 mg |

1587.0 % of the Daily Value

9442.0 mcg |

1049.1 % of the Daily Value

31714.0 IU |

634.3 % of the Daily Value

3.43 mg |

263.5 % of the Daily Value

7.11 mg |

142.2 % of the Daily Value

396.0 mg |

132.0 % of the Daily Value

17.53 mg |

109.5 % of the Daily Value

253.0 mcg |

63.3 % of the Daily Value

253.0 mcg |

63.3 % of the Daily Value

253.0 mcg |

63.3 % of the Daily Value

1.02 mg |

59.8 % of the Daily Value

29.08 g |

58.2 % of the Daily Value

5.3 mg |

48.2 % of the Daily Value

497.0 mg |

39.8 % of the Daily Value

6.54 mg |

36.3 % of the Daily Value

0.19 mg |

16.2 % of the Daily Value

0.36 mg |

15.5 % of the Daily Value

2.95 g |

14.7 % of the Daily Value

49.0 IU |

12.3 % of the Daily Value

5.26 g |

8.8 % of the Daily Value

352.0 mg |

7.5 % of the Daily Value

21.0 mg |

5.0 % of the Daily Value

0.51 mg |

3.4 % of the Daily Value

3.3 mcg |

2.8 % of the Daily Value

1.9 mg |

2.1 % of the Daily Value

5.13 g |

1.9 % of the Daily Value

36.1 mcg |

1.6 % of the Daily Value

6.0 mg |

0.5 % of the Daily Value

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