Szechuan Beef

Nutrition Facts

1 cup of szechuan beef contains about:


606.55 kcal


40.47 g


0.58 g


5.73 g


48.36 g


7.97 g

Szechuan Beef Full Nutrients

2.77 mcg |

115.5 % of the Daily Value

48.36 g |

96.7 % of the Daily Value

12.99 mg |

81.2 % of the Daily Value

8.45 mg |

76.8 % of the Daily Value

42.44 g |

70.7 % of the Daily Value

82.16 mcg |

68.5 % of the Daily Value

1.04 mg |

61.2 % of the Daily Value

134.38 mg |

44.8 % of the Daily Value

7.97 g |

39.9 % of the Daily Value

377.49 mg |

30.2 % of the Daily Value

3.33 mg |

22.2 % of the Daily Value

0.99 mg |

19.8 % of the Daily Value

0.25 mg |

19.6 % of the Daily Value

0.17 mg |

19.2 % of the Daily Value

3.44 mg |

19.1 % of the Daily Value

647.52 mg |

13.8 % of the Daily Value

0.14 mg |

12.0 % of the Daily Value

46.71 mg |

11.1 % of the Daily Value

0.15 mg |

6.4 % of the Daily Value

25.36 mcg |

6.3 % of the Daily Value

25.36 mcg |

6.3 % of the Daily Value

25.36 mcg |

6.3 % of the Daily Value

5.5 mg |

6.1 % of the Daily Value

49.21 mg |

3.8 % of the Daily Value

146.86 IU |

2.9 % of the Daily Value

50.46 mcg |

2.2 % of the Daily Value

5.73 g |

2.1 % of the Daily Value

0.58 g |

2.1 % of the Daily Value

7.35 mcg |

0.8 % of the Daily Value

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