Nutrition Facts
100 grams of cheese contains about:
404.0 kcal
31.37 g
0 g
3.09 g
22.87 g
18.87 g
Cheese Full Nutrients
18.87 g |
94.3 % of the Daily Value
33.31 g |
55.5 % of the Daily Value
710.0 mg |
54.6 % of the Daily Value
1.1 mcg |
45.8 % of the Daily Value
22.87 g |
45.7 % of the Daily Value
330.0 mcg |
36.7 % of the Daily Value
455.0 mg |
36.4 % of the Daily Value
3.64 mg |
33.1 % of the Daily Value
99.0 mg |
33.0 % of the Daily Value
0.43 mg |
32.9 % of the Daily Value
1242.0 IU |
24.8 % of the Daily Value
0.41 mg |
8.2 % of the Daily Value
27.0 mcg |
6.8 % of the Daily Value
27.0 mcg |
6.8 % of the Daily Value
27.0 mcg |
6.8 % of the Daily Value
27.0 mg |
6.4 % of the Daily Value
24.0 IU |
6.0 % of the Daily Value
0.71 mg |
4.7 % of the Daily Value
0.07 mg |
3.9 % of the Daily Value
0.03 mg |
3.3 % of the Daily Value
0.03 mg |
2.4 % of the Daily Value
2.4 mcg |
2.0 % of the Daily Value
76.0 mg |
1.6 % of the Daily Value
0.03 mg |
1.2 % of the Daily Value
28.5 mcg |
1.2 % of the Daily Value
3.09 g |
1.1 % of the Daily Value
0.14 mg |
0.8 % of the Daily Value
0.06 mg |
0.4 % of the Daily Value
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