Nutrition Facts
100 grams of spinach contains about:
23.0 kcal
0.16 g
2.4 g
3.75 g
2.97 g
0.04 g
Spinach Full Nutrients
493.6 mcg |
411.3 % of the Daily Value
10481.0 IU |
209.6 % of the Daily Value
524.0 mcg |
58.2 % of the Daily Value
0.94 mg |
40.7 % of the Daily Value
146.0 mcg |
36.5 % of the Daily Value
146.0 mcg |
36.5 % of the Daily Value
146.0 mcg |
36.5 % of the Daily Value
87.0 mg |
20.7 % of the Daily Value
3.57 mg |
19.8 % of the Daily Value
0.17 mg |
19.3 % of the Daily Value
0.24 mg |
18.2 % of the Daily Value
0.24 mg |
14.2 % of the Daily Value
2.08 mg |
13.9 % of the Daily Value
9.8 mg |
10.9 % of the Daily Value
136.0 mg |
10.5 % of the Daily Value
466.0 mg |
9.9 % of the Daily Value
2.4 g |
8.6 % of the Daily Value
0.1 mg |
7.9 % of the Daily Value
0.76 mg |
6.9 % of the Daily Value
2.97 g |
5.9 % of the Daily Value
56.0 mg |
4.5 % of the Daily Value
0.49 mg |
3.1 % of the Daily Value
0.15 mg |
2.9 % of the Daily Value
3.75 g |
1.4 % of the Daily Value
0.26 g |
0.4 % of the Daily Value
0.04 g |
0.2 % of the Daily Value
1.5 mcg |
0.1 % of the Daily Value
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