
Nutrition Facts

1 cup, chopped or diced of duck contains about:


471.8 kcal


36.71 g


0 g


0 g


26.59 g


13.54 g

Duck Full Nutrients

13.54 g |

67.7 % of the Daily Value

39.69 g |

66.1 % of the Daily Value

26.59 g |

53.2 % of the Daily Value

6.76 mg |

42.2 % of the Daily Value

117.6 mg |

39.2 % of the Daily Value

0.32 mg |

35.3 % of the Daily Value

1.54 mg |

30.7 % of the Daily Value

0.38 mg |

29.0 % of the Daily Value

2.6 mg |

23.7 % of the Daily Value

3.78 mg |

21.0 % of the Daily Value

0.24 mg |

20.3 % of the Daily Value

218.4 mg |

17.5 % of the Daily Value

0.42 mcg |

17.5 % of the Daily Value

0.25 mg |

14.8 % of the Daily Value

88.2 mcg |

9.8 % of the Daily Value

0.98 mg |

6.5 % of the Daily Value

285.6 mg |

6.1 % of the Daily Value

294.0 IU |

5.9 % of the Daily Value

7.14 mcg |

5.9 % of the Daily Value

22.4 mg |

5.3 % of the Daily Value

8.4 mcg |

2.1 % of the Daily Value

8.4 mcg |

2.1 % of the Daily Value

8.4 mcg |

2.1 % of the Daily Value

15.4 mg |

1.2 % of the Daily Value

0.03 mg |

1.2 % of the Daily Value

28.0 mcg |

1.2 % of the Daily Value

4.2 IU |

1.1 % of the Daily Value

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