Yellow Lentils
Nutrition Facts
1 cup of yellow lentils contains about:
225.72 kcal
0.58 g
15.64 g
38.69 g
17.86 g
0.1 g
Yellow Lentils Full Nutrients
358.38 mcg |
89.6 % of the Daily Value
358.38 mcg |
89.6 % of the Daily Value
358.38 mcg |
89.6 % of the Daily Value
15.64 g |
55.9 % of the Daily Value
0.5 mg |
55.2 % of the Daily Value
0.98 mg |
42.5 % of the Daily Value
6.59 mg |
36.6 % of the Daily Value
17.86 g |
35.7 % of the Daily Value
356.4 mg |
28.5 % of the Daily Value
0.33 mg |
27.9 % of the Daily Value
1.26 mg |
25.3 % of the Daily Value
2.51 mg |
22.9 % of the Daily Value
0.35 mg |
20.7 % of the Daily Value
71.28 mg |
17.0 % of the Daily Value
730.62 mg |
15.5 % of the Daily Value
38.69 g |
14.1 % of the Daily Value
2.1 mg |
13.1 % of the Daily Value
0.14 mg |
11.1 % of the Daily Value
2.97 mg |
3.3 % of the Daily Value
37.62 mg |
2.9 % of the Daily Value
3.37 mcg |
2.8 % of the Daily Value
0.22 mg |
1.5 % of the Daily Value
0.75 g |
1.3 % of the Daily Value
0.1 g |
0.5 % of the Daily Value
15.84 IU |
0.3 % of the Daily Value
5.54 mcg |
0.2 % of the Daily Value
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