Chicken Liver

Nutrition Facts

100 grams of chicken liver contains about:


167.0 kcal


5.55 g


0 g


0.87 g


24.46 g


2.06 g

Chicken Liver Full Nutrients

16.85 mcg |

702.1 % of the Daily Value

3981.0 mcg |

442.3 % of the Daily Value

13328.0 IU |

266.6 % of the Daily Value

563.0 mg |

187.7 % of the Daily Value

1.99 mg |

153.3 % of the Daily Value

578.0 mcg |

144.5 % of the Daily Value

578.0 mcg |

144.5 % of the Daily Value

578.0 mcg |

144.5 % of the Daily Value

6.67 mg |

133.4 % of the Daily Value

11.04 mg |

69.0 % of the Daily Value

11.63 mg |

64.6 % of the Daily Value

0.5 mg |

55.1 % of the Daily Value

24.46 g |

48.9 % of the Daily Value

0.75 mg |

44.4 % of the Daily Value

3.98 mg |

36.2 % of the Daily Value

405.0 mg |

32.4 % of the Daily Value

27.9 mg |

31.0 % of the Daily Value

0.29 mg |

24.2 % of the Daily Value

0.36 mg |

15.6 % of the Daily Value

6.51 g |

10.8 % of the Daily Value

2.06 g |

10.3 % of the Daily Value

25.0 mg |

6.0 % of the Daily Value

263.0 mg |

5.6 % of the Daily Value

0.82 mg |

5.5 % of the Daily Value

82.4 mcg |

3.6 % of the Daily Value

11.0 mg |

0.8 % of the Daily Value

0.87 g |

0.3 % of the Daily Value

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