Queso Blanco
Nutrition Facts
100 grams of queso blanco contains about:
310.0 kcal
23.05 g
0 g
2.53 g
20.38 g
13.66 g
Queso Blanco Full Nutrients
1.75 mcg |
72.9 % of the Daily Value
13.66 g |
68.3 % of the Daily Value
690.0 mg |
53.1 % of the Daily Value
20.38 g |
40.8 % of the Daily Value
24.31 g |
40.5 % of the Daily Value
467.0 mg |
37.4 % of the Daily Value
3.06 mg |
27.8 % of the Daily Value
70.0 mg |
23.3 % of the Daily Value
0.23 mg |
17.7 % of the Daily Value
157.0 mcg |
17.4 % of the Daily Value
555.0 IU |
11.1 % of the Daily Value
0.4 mg |
7.9 % of the Daily Value
29.0 mg |
6.9 % of the Daily Value
27.0 IU |
6.8 % of the Daily Value
0.09 mg |
5.1 % of the Daily Value
0.05 mg |
4.0 % of the Daily Value
0.47 mg |
3.1 % of the Daily Value
0.03 mg |
2.8 % of the Daily Value
126.0 mg |
2.7 % of the Daily Value
1.6 mcg |
1.3 % of the Daily Value
0.18 mg |
1.0 % of the Daily Value
2.53 g |
0.9 % of the Daily Value
0.02 mg |
0.9 % of the Daily Value
13.8 mcg |
0.6 % of the Daily Value
0.04 mg |
0.2 % of the Daily Value
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