
Nutrition Facts

1 cup of wheat contains about:


631.68 kcal


2.65 g


23.42 g


130.62 g


29.57 g


0.6 g

Wheat Full Nutrients

7.79 mg |

338.5 % of the Daily Value

0.79 mg |

87.5 % of the Daily Value

23.42 g |

83.7 % of the Daily Value

0.97 mg |

80.6 % of the Daily Value

10.96 mg |

68.5 % of the Daily Value

29.57 g |

59.1 % of the Daily Value

238.08 mg |

56.7 % of the Daily Value

637.44 mg |

51.0 % of the Daily Value

5.34 mg |

48.5 % of the Daily Value

130.62 g |

47.5 % of the Daily Value

6.91 mg |

38.4 % of the Daily Value

0.65 mg |

37.9 % of the Daily Value

1.8 mg |

35.9 % of the Daily Value

82.56 mcg |

20.6 % of the Daily Value

82.56 mcg |

20.6 % of the Daily Value

82.56 mcg |

20.6 % of the Daily Value

0.21 mg |

16.2 % of the Daily Value

652.8 mg |

13.9 % of the Daily Value

1.94 mg |

12.9 % of the Daily Value

3.69 g |

6.1 % of the Daily Value

135.74 mcg |

5.9 % of the Daily Value

48.0 mg |

3.7 % of the Daily Value

3.65 mcg |

3.0 % of the Daily Value

0.6 g |

3.0 % of the Daily Value

17.28 IU |

0.3 % of the Daily Value

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