Pumpkin Seeds
Nutrition Facts
1 cup of pumpkin seeds contains about:
285.44 kcal
11.87 g
11.78 g
34.4 g
11.87 g
2.35 g
Pumpkin Seeds Full Nutrients
6.59 mg |
59.9 % of the Daily Value
0.44 mg |
49.1 % of the Daily Value
11.78 g |
42.1 % of the Daily Value
167.68 mg |
39.9 % of the Daily Value
11.87 g |
23.7 % of the Daily Value
12.42 g |
20.7 % of the Daily Value
0.32 mg |
13.8 % of the Daily Value
34.4 g |
12.5 % of the Daily Value
588.16 mg |
12.5 % of the Daily Value
2.12 mg |
11.8 % of the Daily Value
2.35 g |
11.7 % of the Daily Value
58.88 mg |
4.7 % of the Daily Value
35.2 mg |
2.7 % of the Daily Value
0.03 mg |
2.6 % of the Daily Value
0.02 mg |
1.8 % of the Daily Value
0.02 mg |
1.4 % of the Daily Value
5.76 mcg |
1.4 % of the Daily Value
5.76 mcg |
1.4 % of the Daily Value
5.76 mcg |
1.4 % of the Daily Value
0.18 mg |
1.1 % of the Daily Value
39.68 IU |
0.8 % of the Daily Value
0.04 mg |
0.7 % of the Daily Value
1.92 mcg |
0.2 % of the Daily Value
0.19 mg |
0.2 % of the Daily Value
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