Beef Kidney

Nutrition Facts

100 grams of beef kidney contains about:


158.0 kcal


3.81 g


0 g


0 g


27.27 g


1.44 g

Beef Kidney Full Nutrients

24.9 mcg |

1037.5 % of the Daily Value

716.0 mg |

238.7 % of the Daily Value

2.97 mg |

228.5 % of the Daily Value

0.56 mg |

62.7 % of the Daily Value

27.27 g |

54.5 % of the Daily Value

5.8 mg |

32.2 % of the Daily Value

1.56 mg |

31.2 % of the Daily Value

2.84 mg |

25.8 % of the Daily Value

3.92 mg |

24.5 % of the Daily Value

304.0 mg |

24.3 % of the Daily Value

0.39 mg |

23.0 % of the Daily Value

83.0 mcg |

20.8 % of the Daily Value

83.0 mcg |

20.8 % of the Daily Value

83.0 mcg |

20.8 % of the Daily Value

0.16 mg |

13.3 % of the Daily Value

45.0 IU |

11.3 % of the Daily Value

0.19 mg |

8.0 % of the Daily Value

4.65 g |

7.8 % of the Daily Value

168.0 mcg |

7.3 % of the Daily Value

1.44 g |

7.2 % of the Daily Value

12.0 mg |

2.9 % of the Daily Value

135.0 mg |

2.9 % of the Daily Value

19.0 mg |

1.5 % of the Daily Value

0.08 mg |

0.5 % of the Daily Value

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