Goat Meat
Nutrition Facts
1 piece, cooked of goat meat contains about:
486.2 kcal
8.57 g
0 g
0 g
92.14 g
3.16 g
Goat Meat Full Nutrients
92.14 g |
184.3 % of the Daily Value
4.05 mcg |
168.6 % of the Daily Value
17.92 mg |
162.9 % of the Daily Value
2.07 mg |
159.5 % of the Daily Value
1.03 mg |
114.5 % of the Daily Value
255.0 mg |
85.0 % of the Daily Value
13.43 mg |
83.9 % of the Daily Value
12.68 mg |
70.5 % of the Daily Value
683.4 mg |
54.7 % of the Daily Value
1377.0 mg |
29.3 % of the Daily Value
0.31 mg |
25.5 % of the Daily Value
10.3 g |
17.2 % of the Daily Value
3.16 g |
15.8 % of the Daily Value
1.16 mg |
7.7 % of the Daily Value
0.14 mg |
6.2 % of the Daily Value
57.8 mg |
4.4 % of the Daily Value
17.0 mcg |
4.3 % of the Daily Value
17.0 mcg |
4.3 % of the Daily Value
17.0 mcg |
4.3 % of the Daily Value
4.08 mcg |
3.4 % of the Daily Value
40.12 mcg |
1.7 % of the Daily Value
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