
Nutrition Facts

1 oz (19 halves) of pecans contains about:


195.9 kcal


19.45 g


2.72 g


3.93 g


2.6 g


1.75 g

Pecans Full Nutrients

1.28 mg |

55.5 % of the Daily Value

0.34 mg |

37.8 % of the Daily Value

20.4 g |

34.0 % of the Daily Value

0.19 mg |

15.5 % of the Daily Value

1.28 mg |

11.7 % of the Daily Value

2.72 g |

9.7 % of the Daily Value

1.75 g |

8.8 % of the Daily Value

34.3 mg |

8.2 % of the Daily Value

78.53 mg |

6.3 % of the Daily Value

2.6 g |

5.2 % of the Daily Value

0.25 mg |

4.9 % of the Daily Value

0.72 mg |

4.0 % of the Daily Value

0.06 mg |

3.5 % of the Daily Value

0.04 mg |

2.8 % of the Daily Value

0.4 mg |

2.7 % of the Daily Value

116.24 mg |

2.5 % of the Daily Value

0.33 mg |

2.1 % of the Daily Value

6.24 mcg |

1.6 % of the Daily Value

6.24 mcg |

1.6 % of the Daily Value

6.24 mcg |

1.6 % of the Daily Value

19.85 mg |

1.5 % of the Daily Value

3.93 g |

1.4 % of the Daily Value

0.99 mcg |

0.8 % of the Daily Value

15.88 IU |

0.3 % of the Daily Value

0.31 mg |

0.3 % of the Daily Value

0.85 mcg |

0.1 % of the Daily Value

1.08 mcg |

0.0 % of the Daily Value

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